As per recent reports the total population on earth is 6.793 billion. Do you think all these people have a single goal!
In this vast world, it is difficult to find a person very much similar to another. Even if you find two very similar looking humans, they may vary drastically in many other features like their voice, tastes, listening capabilities, interests, thought process, behavior ... So with such wide and varied set of homo sapiens can we ever think of a common goal to all.
Fixing an objective/goal in one's life has to be done by each one us and no one else can decide it for us. But how will you ever know what your objective is? whether your objective is good? whether your objective is right? whether your objective is truthful?. When we cried for the first time on this earth, did we once for all decide we want to become engineers, doctors, teachers, businessmen, laborers... NO, through out our lives many people have influenced us directly/indirectly to choose the right path. Parents, Guardians, Teachers, Friends, Elders, Legends, Books ...
When we go to a store to buy clothes, food items what do we do?. We list out the commodities we want. We quantify them by counting the number of members in the family. We select them based on our tastes and interests. When we go to the store, the store keeper suggests us the commodities which match our interests. Here shopkeeper is like anyone of the above mentioned set of people. The commodities in the shop are like the different objectives and we are the people buying them in the shop. The people who inspire us to set a goal/objective are like sign boards who tell us where to go.
The objectives/goals are progressive and they get revised at each turn of our lives. It is just like climbing a hill. First we reach the foot of the hill, then we climb to certain distance and take rest, then we come close to the summit and so on. But the most important of all these is the first step we take towards the long journey. So how should the first step be? Let us take this question progressively. Let us assume the first step should be such that it should lead us to good. But what is good? How do you define good? Can you define?
In this vast world, it is difficult to find a person very much similar to another. Even if you find two very similar looking humans, they may vary drastically in many other features like their voice, tastes, listening capabilities, interests, thought process, behavior ... So with such wide and varied set of homo sapiens can we ever think of a common goal to all.
Fixing an objective/goal in one's life has to be done by each one us and no one else can decide it for us. But how will you ever know what your objective is? whether your objective is good? whether your objective is right? whether your objective is truthful?. When we cried for the first time on this earth, did we once for all decide we want to become engineers, doctors, teachers, businessmen, laborers... NO, through out our lives many people have influenced us directly/indirectly to choose the right path. Parents, Guardians, Teachers, Friends, Elders, Legends, Books ...
When we go to a store to buy clothes, food items what do we do?. We list out the commodities we want. We quantify them by counting the number of members in the family. We select them based on our tastes and interests. When we go to the store, the store keeper suggests us the commodities which match our interests. Here shopkeeper is like anyone of the above mentioned set of people. The commodities in the shop are like the different objectives and we are the people buying them in the shop. The people who inspire us to set a goal/objective are like sign boards who tell us where to go.
The objectives/goals are progressive and they get revised at each turn of our lives. It is just like climbing a hill. First we reach the foot of the hill, then we climb to certain distance and take rest, then we come close to the summit and so on. But the most important of all these is the first step we take towards the long journey. So how should the first step be? Let us take this question progressively. Let us assume the first step should be such that it should lead us to good. But what is good? How do you define good? Can you define?